Hi, I'm Nat! I'm a game designer and software developer. I make interactive visualizations to make complex math topics feel tactile and fun.
The Labyrinth of Polyominoes
A shrine and database of polyominoes, documenting interesting properties such as symmetry, genealogy, packing, and tiling.
Polyhedra Viewer
An interactive app that lets you view and transform various geometric solids, including Platonic solids, Archimedean solids, and Johnson solids.
Permutation Group Visualizer
A little app to visualize various permutation groups and lets you push buttons to permute them.
Components AI
I worked at Components AI and designed and/or implemented many of the generators on the site, including Color Scales, Syntax Highlighter, Gradient Editor, and SVG Grid Generator
In addition, I did architecture work and implemented a lot of the controls for CSS GUI, a library of composable inputs for manipulating CSS properties.
I have been constructing sudoku and other pencil puzzles since 2022. Four of my puzzles have been featured on the popular YouTube channel Cracking the Cryptic:
Unique Japanese Sum Sudoku, 2many arrows spoil the box, Post Office Panic!, Multiple Signs
A catalog of my puzzles can be found on Logic Masters Germany.
Nat Notation
A calligraphic number system based on prime factorization. My artworks based on this system were exhibited at Bridges 2023.
Code Doodles
- Slime Simulator: For Global Game Jam 2023, I made a simulation based on the slime mold Physarum polycephalum. Feed the slime and watch it grow! Featuring music by Alex Friedland.
- Spiral Galaxy Illusion: Create the illusion of a spiral galaxy by rotating and scaling a field of stars.
- LCH and LAB "Color Pickers": demonstrate the gradient of the LAB and LCH color spaces at different values.
- Minnows: A smaller version of the polyomino genealogy graph.
- Bagua Gray Code: (my first codepen!) Generates trigrams, hexagrams, and more based on a Gray Code.
In Defense of Handcrafted Sudoku
About variant sudoku and procedural generation.
Generative Design Systems with React
About my work at Components AI.
Is React Translated Yet?
How I got the documentation of React translated to more than a dozen languages.
Polyhedra, I Choose You!
About creating the Polyhedra Viewer.
Support Me
If you enjoy my work, please consider buying me a coffee on Ko-fi!